Sagging Floors
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Have you noticed that your floors squeak when you walk around in your home? Maybe some parts of your home even feel springy our bouncy underneath your feet. You might brush it off as just a sign of an aging home, but sloping or sagging floors almost always point to serious structural problems in your foundation or crawlspace. This can mean that your home's structural support system is not able to safely hold the weight of your home.
Whether your floors are sagging in only one area or throughout your entire home, it is important to get it looked at by a professional. By getting your sagging floors repaired, you will eliminate dangerous hazards, strengthen your structural integrity, and increase the property value of your home.
Sagging Floor Repair
Fixing a sagging floor can be an extremely difficult undertaking. Since your floors have sagged slowly over time, it is important to slowly lift it back into place so that nothing will break or crack. You will need a strong support system and the right tools and equipment to be able to lift your sagging floor back into place. It is highly recommended that you seek professional help for this type of repair. A foundation repair specialist will have the tools and the knowledge to correctly repair your sagging floors.

Residential ResQ is your local foundation repair contractor in Connecticut. We can repair any crooked or out-of-level floors that you have in your home by using Jack Posts. Jack Posts are designed to provide long lasting strength to sloping floors above your basement or crawlspace. These posts are adjustable support columns that can hold 60,000 pounds. We can install them in your basement or crawlspace to repair your sagging floors and keep them strong for years to come.
Give us a call today or fill out the form on the right to get started with your free estimate!