If your home foundation has sunk or shifted unevenly, then your piers may be to blame. Sinking piers are usually caused by rain, hydrostatic pressure from underground and weather conditions such as wind. If your piers are damaged then your foundation could shift or cave in giving you some unwelcome home improvement surprise.
When your foundation starts to deteriorate, it can cause your walls or floors to bow and begin to lower your property value. This can mean a variety of things, however your basement may have lost a major part of its structural support.
If you find that your foundation has shifted or you have visible signs of foundation damage then the first thing you should do is call a foundation repairs professional to inspect and make necessary repairs. Residential ResQ has the experience and skill needed to provide full home foundation repairs that can strengthen your home.
The most common way that basement walls are damaged is through what is called “sinkhole” foundation damage. Sinkholes occur when water gets into the basement wall and causes it to bulge or sink into the concrete. There are many different ways to fix this problem, however the use of wall anchors is one of the best solutions.
Another common method of repairing foundation damage is to use thick gauge steel rods tied into place with stainless steel carbon fiber straps. Carbon fiber straps are lightweight and highly durable. The carbon fiber straps are just as strong as traditional wall anchors but are much easier to install. This method works well when the damage is small because the straps can be used to directly apply the carbon fiber straps into the wall anchor hole.
Waterproofing your walls is another important part of foundation repair. Many homes suffer from cracks and leaks because they don’t take advantage of waterproofing their foundation walls. If you notice cracks in your walls which appear to be the result of foundation movement then you should contact a waterproofing company right away. Foundation leaks can often damage your home and cause structural damage to your home as well.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, home foundation repairs and waterproofing is NOT a DIY job. Hiring a professional team for a little extra money is always better than potentially messing up your installation.
Extreme weather can potentially cause major problems with the structural integrity of your home. Flash floods or rapid freezes can destroy your foundation, creating cracks and shifts where there shouldn’t be. We’ve had two major storms this year, which have both come with flash floods and major damages. If you experience these at your home, be sure to give us a call for an inspection.
For more information on noticing the signs of home foundation damage, visit our services page, or call us today with questions at 844-201-4166. We believe every homeowner should be educated on the potential problems they’ll experience through the life of their houses.